Media are requested to direct all inquiries related to the S.C. Arts Commission grants, programs, staff, and other things toCommunications Director Jason Rapp (803.734.8899 |
Grantees and partners may download SCAC logos from this Dropbox folder for use in acknowledging SCAC grant awards or project involvement.
You may not alter these logos in any way. Much care was taken to provide the most commonly-needed versions formatted for print (CMYK, 300dpi) and digital (RGB, 72dpi) use.
If you need a version that is not included or have a different need because of design constraints, please contact Communications Director Jason Rapp via the information above.
The SCAC brand, its logo, and this website were designed and developed by Social Design House of Rock Hill in 2023.
More complete guidelines can be found within your grant contract. However, the preferable way of crediting the SCAC for receiving public monies is with logo recognition at the same size as like or comparable donors with the following statement as well: “This project is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts.”
For further assistance, please contact Communications Director Jason Rapp (803.734.8899 |