South Carolina Cultural Districts

Hotspots for the creative economy

Cultural districts are geographic areas of S.C. cities or towns that have a concentration of artistic assets, cultural facilities, creative businesses, and placemaking activities.

They contribute creative economic vitality to their locality and are tourism hotspots for locals and non-locals alike.

They are accessible areas that are easily identifiable to visitors and residents; and they often serve as a center of cultural, artistic, and economic activity. They may have festivals, galleries, live performance venues, theaters, artist studios, museums, arts centers, arts schools, cultural infrastructure, buskers or outdoor music series, and public artworks. Cultural districts may also contain businesses or locations like restaurants, banks, or parks whose primary purpose is not creative, but that regularly make their spaces available to artists or create opportunities for the public to encounter the arts.

More than tourism: the goal of this program is to highlight places dedicated to arts and culture and to support these communities to increase jobs, tourism, and investments in the creative economy. Cultural districts attract creative entrepreneurship and encourage innovation enhancing economic, social, and civic livability throughout the state.

The 11 unique Cultural Districts

South Carolina Cultural Districts make the arts top-of-mind among residents and visitors alike while showcasing the creativity of their region.

Aiken Downtown | Beaufort | CamdenCongaree Vista | FlorenceGeorgetown |
Greenwood | HartsvilleLancaster | Rock Hill | Spartanburg Downtown

Legislation ratified by the South Carolina General Assembly authorizes the S.C. Arts Commission to grant official state designation to cultural districts in the Palmetto State. Not every city or town will want to be or meet the criteria of an officially designated cultural district. If yours is interested, visit the “Becoming a Cultural District” page for additional information and next steps!


Whether South Carolina is your destination or you’re just passing through, stop and take in our state’s cultural scene. Check out these convenient culture hotspots to stretch your legs and support the arts.

Map of the South Carolina Cultural Districts

Several of the cultural districts are located along or near major arteries making them convenient places for sightseeing, to take a break, or a deeper dive:


  • Aiken (~10 min. drive)
  • Camden (~6 min. drive)
  • Congaree Vista (~8 min. drive)
  • Florence (~13 min. drive)
  • Georgetown (~90 min. drive)
  • Hartsville (~15 min. drive)


  • Congaree Vista (~8 min. drive)
  • Greenwood (~42 min. drive)
  • Spartanburg Downtown (~10 min. drive)


  • Congaree Vista (~15 min. drive)
  • Lancaster (~23 min. drive)
  • Rock Hill (~7 min. drive)


  • Greenwood (~55 min. drive)
  • Spartanburg Downtown (~10 min. drive)


  • Beaufort (~30 min. drive)
  • Florence (~9 min. drive)
  • Georgetown (~90 min. drive)
  • Hartsville (~30 min. drive)