Banner graphic that reads "A legacy of support of the arts in South Carolina" in gold-colored text on the left with the S.C.A.F. logo on the right.

Arts Education

Step up to the plate for arts learning!

Show the world that you’re “Driven by the Arts” for arts learning. Purchase your arts license plate today!

Proceeds from license plate sales benefit in-school artist residencies and other arts learning programs in schools and communities across South Carolina. License plate sales also benefit the Arts in Basic Curriculum Institute, which provides leadership to achieve quality, comprehensive arts education in dance, music, theatre, visual arts, and creative writing.

Plate numbers lower than 200 are available from the South Carolina Arts Commission. Plate numbers over 200 are available from the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.

How to Order

I’m here to help!

Please contact Victoria McCurry, staff liaison to the SCAF (803.734.8315 | if you have any questions.