DUNS Numbers to Unique Entity IDs (UEIs)

New Grant Requirement: Moving from DUNS number to Unique Entity ID (UEI)

In accordance with federal government policy, all organizations – including (but not limited to) private schools, public school districts, government entities, and nonprofit organizations – must provide a valid Unique Entity ID (UEI) to receive an S.C. Arts Commission (SCAC) grant award.

The UEI requirement will replace the DUNS number requirement, effective April 4, 2022. (Note: During this transition, some SCAC grant applications will ask for a DUNS Number, a UEI, or both.)

Grants Coaching Topic Session

The SCAC Grants Team held a special coaching session to discuss the transition from DUNS numbers to UEIs. Watch the session here.

About UEIs

What is a UEI, and why do I need one?

A UEI is an alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify a specific entity.

SAM UEIs are federally issued UEIs obtained through, an Entity Validation Service, which independently verifies the uniqueness of an entity by confirming that there is no existing registration for that legal business name and address. This ensures that SAM UEIs are unique.

As a recipient of federal funding through the National Endowment for the Arts, the SCAC must require its grantees to provide a SAM UEI.


Please contact the Grants Team (803.734.8695 |