To support ABC-Certified Schools in their commitment to making the arts an integral part of the basic curriculum and daily classroom instruction
Who's Eligible
ABC-certified schools
Up to $15,000 per year
Matching Requirement
2:1 (grantee:SCAC)
ABC Schools Advancement grantees are part of the larger Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Institute, which is overseen by a steering committee of approximately 50 members including artists, educators, school administrators, representatives of higher education, business leaders, and governmental representatives.
These grants support ABC-Certified Schools in their commitment to implementing standards-based arts curricula and to making the arts an integral part of the basic curriculum and daily classroom instruction.
ABC Schools Advancement grants provide support for ongoing comprehensive planning, strategic projects, and implementation of standards-based arts education initiatives, including but not limited to artist residencies. Currently there are 66 ABC-Certified Schools in South Carolina, some of which have been ABC schools since the Institute’s inception as the ABC Project.
The ABC Schools Advancement grant application process is designed to align with the rigorous certification/ recertification process that schools complete through the ABC Institute. The primary task grant applicants are asked to complete each year is to collect and provide evidence of progress made toward the strategic plan they designed during the certification process. Schools can then pull directly from this collection of evidence when completing recertification at the end of each three-year certification cycle.
Please Note
Grant guidelines are subject to change until the application opens.
All grant-funded spending must be directly in line with goals detailed in your Arts Education Strategic Plan. As relevant to the goals of each individual school’s strategic plan, ABC grant funds may be used to support ongoing comprehensive planning, arts and arts-integration professional development, and the implementation of standards-based arts education initiatives, including but not limited to artist residencies.
SCAC grant recipients that are schools or school districts are required to use members of the S.C. Arts Directory for grant-funded group lectures, demonstrations, performances, classroom residencies, and short-term arts teaching experiences.
Artists labeled as Verified Teaching Artists on the Arts Directory have been additionally vetted by SCAC through the submission of sample lesson plans, recorded teaching samples, and letters of recommendation; we encourage but do not require grant-funded teaching artist residencies to employ Verified Teaching Artists. Note: If working in a school environment, always check with the individual school or district about policies related to hiring artists, arts organizations, and teaching artists.
ABC Schools Advancement grantees are expected to participate in the broader ABC network, sending representatives to meet with colleagues from other current and former ABC schools for professional development days during the school year.
There are no specified priority areas for this grant category.
May 16, 2023
Note: This deadline applies to both new applicants and existing grantees. All current (FY24) ABC Advancement grantees must answer a set of application questions as part of their FY24 final report by the deadline to be eligible for FY25 ABC Schools Advancement grant funding.
Applications may be submitted until 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the deadline date. However, please be aware that staff members will not be available to assist you with questions or technical difficulties after SCAC closes at 5 p.m. that day.July 1, 2024-May 15, 2025
Up to $15,000 per year
Awards may vary from year to year and are contingent on availability of funds.
2:1 (grantee:SCAC)
Each dollar awarded must be matched with $2 cash.
Applications are accepted through our grants portal, which uses the Foundant platform.
New to Foundant? For frequently asked questions, registration instructions, and other helpful information, we highly recommend visiting the Grants Portal FAQ, before you begin working in the system.
PLEASE NOTE: You are urged to consider the Review Criteria (detailed in the “Review Process” section of these guidelines, under “After You Apply”) as you prepare your application materials. These criteria will be used to evaluate your application and determine the funding of your proposal.
The applicant must have an active account in our Grants Portal.
Your application questions for FY25 funding will be part of your FY24 final report. You will receive instructions with notification that your final report has been assigned within the grants portal and is ready for you to complete.
The SCAC Grants Team will assign the FY25 ABC Schools Advancement grant application to the grant contact person for the applicant school. That contact person must have an active account in our grants portal, as a contact for that applicant school, to be assigned the grant application. After the grant application has been assigned, you will receive an email notification with instructions on how to access, complete, and submit the grant application.
The Grants Team will review submitted applications for completeness and compliance with guideline and application requirements. SCAC program staff will then develop recommended award amounts based on the published review criteria, the availability of funds, and the number of ABC Certified Schools. Recommendations will be presented to the board of commissioners, which makes final award decisions. Award notification is expected after the June 2024 board meeting, pending completion of the state budget process.
ABC Certified Schools that complete the application process, remain in good standing with the ABC Institute, and demonstrate fidelity to their arts education strategic plan will be recommended for funding.
SCAC staff will review applications to confirm that:
If your application is funded, you (and your fiscal agent/receiver, if applicable) will enter into a contractual agreement with the South Carolina Arts Commission, and you must comply with all requirements stated in that contract. You will receive notification and instructions when your contract is available in the Grants Portal. You must submit your completed contract packet, including signatures and other documentation as instructed, by the date indicated in the system. You must also complete all other assigned follow ups by the due date.
Please note: Any significant revisions to grant-funded activities must be approved in writing, in advance, by the SCAC. Significant revisions to grant-funded activities must be emailed to grants@arts.sc.gov to be processed for approval or denial.
Additional details about managing an SCAC grant are available on our agency website.
Payments are reimbursement-based. This means any expenses must be financed up front by the grantee and/or a cooperating entity.
An accurate final report, listing only expenses allowable under the program guidelines for the certified time period, must be submitted in order to receive payment for the grant award.
ALL GRANTEES are required to file a final report at the end of the grant period. The final report due date is stated in the grant contract. Failure to submit an accurate and complete final report by the due date will result in cancellation of the award and repayment of any funds received. SCAC will not fund applicants who have outstanding final reports.
Note: ABC Certification runs on a three-year cycle, but ABC Schools Advancement grantees are required to file a final report at the end of each annual grant period. Submission of the application portion of your annual final report is required to be eligible for a grant award the following year. The reporting process also prepares your school for recertification and allows SCAC to measure the impact of its grantmaking.
We also highly recommend a visit to our Grants Coaching webpage, for
Missed a group call or session? Look for the video link to access a recording of that presentation.