To help South Carolina organizations make arts programs and existing facilities accessible to persons with disabilities
Who's Eligible
Nonprofit organizations, units of government, and designated S.C. Department of Disabilities & Special Needs boards
Up to $2,500
Matching Requirement
1:1 (grantee:SCAC)
Accessibility grants are designed to help South Carolina organizations make arts programs and existing facilities accessible to persons with disabilities by removing accessibility barriers. Accessibility barriers are anything that prevent an individual with a disability from fully accessing a service or fully participating in a program. Examples of accessibility barriers can include, but are not limited to, physical/structural barriers, communication barriers, and digital/technology barriers.
If you are interested in learning more about accessibility, please visit the SCAC’s accessibility resources page, which includes links to highly informative topical webinars.
Please Note
Grant guidelines are subject to change until the application opens.
In accordance with federal government policy, all organizations – including (but not limited to) private schools, public school districts, government entities, and nonprofit organizations – must provide a valid UEI number* to receive an SCAC grant award.
*Learn about the Unique Entity ID (UEI)
Note: If an applicant organization is using a fiscal agent/receiver, separate UEI numbers must be provided for both the applicant organization and the fiscal agent/receiver. Exceptions to separate UEI numbers are organizations run by a local government or a school district.
Grants awards may reimburse the applicant for any combination of qualifying expenses incurred during the grant period. Projects may include but are not limited to the following:
Priority will be given to individuals or organizations that have projects in SCAC’s Opportunity Initiative Counties:
At least five (5) weeks before the project begins, for projects beginning on or after August 6, 2024.
Here are some time-specific deadlines:
Applications may be submitted until 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the deadline date. However, please be aware that staff members will not be available to assist you with questions or technical difficulties after SCAC closes at 5 p.m. that day.
All grant-supported activities must be implemented between August 6, 2024 and May 31, 2025.
If your proposed project is scheduled to end after May 31, please contact us BEFORE beginning your application.
Up to $2,500
Federal funding note: This grant might be funded using federal dollars. The SCAC will notify the grantee if federal dollars are used. In the event federal dollars are used, the grantee’s match must not consist of federal funding.
1:1 (grantee:SCAC)
Are you wondering what makes for a strong application?
The SCAC recommends using the rubric in this section as a guide when writing your application. Grant panelists will score your application responses based on the criteria within this rubric.
FY25 Accessibility Grant Evaluation Rubric |
Accessibility Barrier Identification (20%) |
0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | |
Accessibility Barrier | The applicant provides little to no detail about the accessibility barrier identified within their facility or programs. | The applicant provides some information about the identified accessibility barrier identified within their facility or programs. | The applicant provides a detailed description of the identified accessibility barrier within their facility or programs. | The applicant provides a robust and clear description of the identified accessibility barrier within their facilities or programs. |
0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | |
Disability Community Input | The applicant provides little to no description of how they consulted with members of the disability community to identify barriers to accessibility. | The applicant provides some description of how they consulted with the disability community to identify barriers to accessibility. | The applicant provides a sufficient description of how they consulted with the disability community to identify barriers to accessibility. | The applicant provides a robust and clear description of the identified accessibility barrier within their facilities or programs. |
Project Details (40%) |
0-5 | 6-11 | 12-15 | 16-20 | |
Accessibility Project Description | The applicant has provided little to no description of their project and scope of work to be done. They have not included how they propose to use SCAC funds to address the identified barrier(s) to accessibility. | The applicant has provided some description of their project and scope of work to be done. They have included some information about how they propose to use SCAC funds to address the identified barrier(s) to accessibility. | The applicant has provided a sufficient description of their project and scope of work to be done. They have included adequate information about how they propose to use SCAC funds to address the identified barrier(s) to accessibility. | The applicant has provided a clear and detailed description of their project and scope of work to be done. They have included detailed information about how they propose to use SCAC funds to address the identified barrier(s) to accessibility. |
0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | |
Involved Professionals | The applicant has not provided the names of the professionals involved in their project nor a description of their qualifications. | The applicant provided the names of the professionals involved in their project but lacks a description of their qualifications. The applicant has provided little information about their roles on the project. | The applicant provided the names of the professionals involved in their project and includes a sufficient description of their qualifications. The applicant has also provided relevant information about each of the professionals’ roles on their project. | The applicant provided the names of the professionals involved in their project and includes a detailed description of their qualifications. The applicant has also provided robust information about each of the professionals' roles on their project. |
0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | |
Timeline | The applicant does not provide a complete timeline for when their grant funded activities will take place, they have not provided important milestones for their project. | The applicant has provided a vague timeline for their grant funded activities. They have not included important milestones for their project. | The applicant provides a sufficient timeline of their grant funded activities. They have also included some important milestones they are aiming to reach throughout the project timeline. | The applicant provides a clear and detailed timeline of their grant funded activities. They have also included all important milestones they are aiming to reach throughout the project timeline. |
Impact & Sustainability (20%) |
0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | |
Measure of Success | The applicant does not describe how they plan to measure success for this project nor how they will capture and record important outcomes. | The applicant provides minimal description of how they plan to measure success for this project and vague information for how they plan to capture important outcomes. | The applicant provides an adequate description of how they plan to measure success for this project and includes some information about how they plan to capture important outcomes. | The applicant provides a clear and detailed description of how they plan to measure success for this project and includes compelling information about how they plan to capture important outcomes. |
0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | |
Sustainability | The applicant does not describe their plan for sustainability for their addressed accessibility concern and does not indicate their plans for future accessibility work. | The applicant provides a minimal description about their plan for sustainability for their addressed accessibility concern and/or provides vague plans for future accessibility work. | The applicant provides a sufficient description of their plan for sustainability for their addressed accessibility concern and/or provides an adequate plan for future accessibility work. | The applicant provides a robust description of their plan for sustainability for their addressed accessibility concern and/or provides a clear and detailed plan for future accessibility work. |
Financial Resources (10%) | 0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 |
Budget is not detailed and does not show adequate funding to complete the project. | Budget lacks detail but shows adequate funding needed to complete the project. | Budget is detailed and shows adequate funding needed to complete the project. | Budget is very detailed and shows strong financial resources to complete the project. | |
Support Materials (10%) | 0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 |
The applicant does not provide sufficient support materials. | The applicant’s support materials lack compelling connection to the identified accessibility barrier. | The applicant’s support materials provide sufficient justification of the identified accessibility barrier. | The applicant's support materials provide clear and compelling insight and justification of the identified accessibility barrier. |
Applications are accepted through our grants portal, which uses the Foundant platform.
New to Foundant? For frequently asked questions, registration instructions, and other helpful information, we highly recommend visiting the Grants Portal FAQ, before you begin working in the system.
The applicant must have an active account in our Grants Portal.
The Grants Team will review submitted applications for completeness and compliance with guideline and application requirements. SCAC program staff and management will evaluate the applications based on the published review criteria. An applicant’s panel comments are available to them upon request. Staff will then develop funding recommendations, based on these evaluations and the availability of funds. Final funding decisions are approved by the executive director. Award notification is expected within four (4) to five (5) weeks of submission.
If your application is funded, you (and your fiscal agent/receiver, if applicable) will enter into a contractual agreement with the South Carolina Arts Commission, and you must comply with all requirements stated in that contract. You will receive notification and instructions when your contract is available in the Grants Portal. You must submit your completed contract packet, including signatures and other documentation as instructed, by the date indicated in the system. You must also complete all other assigned follow ups by the due date.
Please note: Any significant revisions to grant-funded activities must be approved in writing, in advance, by the SCAC. Significant revisions to grant-funded activities must be emailed to grants@arts.sc.gov to be processed for approval or denial.
Additional details about managing an SCAC grant are available on our agency website.
Payment will be on a reimbursement basis only and will be released upon receipt and approval of your final report.
ALL GRANTEES are required to file a final report at the end of the grant period. The final report due date is stated in the grant contract. Failure to submit an accurate and complete final report by the due date will result in cancellation of the award and repayment of any funds received. SCAC will not fund applicants who have outstanding final reports.
We also highly recommend a visit to our Grants Coaching webpage, for
Missed a group call or session? Look for the video link to access a recording of that presentation.