Buren Martin



Spartanburg County, SC


  • Theatre

Geographical Availability

  • Upstate


Artist Bio

BA English, Wofford College 1969
M.Ed. U. South Carolina …Education Administration 1975
MA Theatre U. South Carolina …1985

Work Resume

1969-1979 Spartanburg Dist. 7 and Richland Dist. 1 …High School English teacher
1979-1981 Orangeburg District 1 … Assistant Principal, North High School
1981-1987 Lee County Schools…. Principal, Bishopville High School
1987 to January 2023. Managing Director… The Baillie Players Touring Theatre Company
Currently …. Semi-Retired, engaged in theatre education residency work in South Carolina and Florida. Managing Director: The Inman Children’s Theatre, Inman SC
An approved arts roster artist since 1987… working with schools in drama residencies every year for 36 years….

Artist Statement

Currently, my artist residencies consist of 5 to 8 days in the school. Students are directed in a musical theatre or Shakespeare production. The number of students involved on stage will depend on stage space. The entire school attends the production.

Drama / theatre standards are taught through the direction of the play. The standards emphasized are grade specific and align with the South Carolina SDE theater standards.

ALL RESIDENCIES conclude with a student production…

The student production is performed during the school day for the rest of the student body. When possible, and permitted, audience expectations are covered with individual classes in 5-to-10-minute sessions throughout the five days of residency. An evening production is performed for parents and members of the community.

A complete set, costumes, and props are provided. Some students are also involved in the tech work of the production… A complete sound system is also brought in.

In many cases, a teacher, or teachers, are involved. In these cases the residency might include helping the non-drama / music teacher in planning their own future productions: suitable set construction, as well as best ways to acquire costumes, props and scripts…

This year I am working with several school clients in producing a play that students have co-written with me. These scripts follow a preconceived outline. The students involved in this residency (Usual 5 to 7 students) spend three days “localizing” the play…. Then the resulting play is produced at the school as per the preceding statement….