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Free Reign Theatre Company works with both students and adults with disabilities. Free Reign Theatre Company works in close relationship with Garinger High, a Title I school in Charlotte, to create fight choreography and safely instruct student actor-combatants in their theatre productions. As students with physical, mental, and behavioral disabilities are identified by school staff, Free Reign Theatre adheres to the accommodations denoted in students’ IEP and 504 plans, as conveyed by school staff. Free Reign Theatre Company also works with adults with disabilities, such as dyslexia, ADD, physical handicaps, and cognitive impairments. Free Reign Theatre Company believe that disabilities should not be a barrier to theatre. Whether working with students or adults with disabilities, their priorities are safety, empathy, and inclusion. They want everyone, regardless of their abilities, to be able to express themselves without harm and to participate equitably in the theatrical process. There is a place for everyone in this universal art form.