Spartanburg County, SC
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Dove Dupree is a poet, music artist, actor, youth advocate, business owner and much more. He started writing raps at the early age of 7.
Just like in his life, his goal in his music and poetry is to impact, inspire and all the good things in between. He is a teaching artist; where he goes into schools as an artist in residency, and teaches students educational content through arts integration workshops. He incorporates music, rap and media into the subjects his students are learning to help them creatively retain information and have fun while doing it.
Dove Dupree also leads workshops across the country’s colleges, conferences and churches and more, while managing to blend spoken word and audience dialogue together on topics such as faith, mental health, and social justice issues.
He has won countless team and individual poetry slams across the country since entering the slam poetry scene in 2014.
In the realm of spoken word, here is a list of a few of his accomplishments…
He is…
Poetry saves lives”…that has been a mantra that stuck with me once I heard it and realized how true it is.
There is so much brokenness in the world and a lot of unhealthy ways to cope with it. Thankfully poetry has been therapeutic.
My goal in my music and poetry is to make an impact. My favorite part of doing poetry is after my performance is done when people come up to tell me how they can relate and how my story is their story too.
When I have the ability to teach students and adults that poetry helps to heal, express and relate, it is a beautiful feeling. When the people I teach and influence share their work with me and others, it like feels like they understand the mission and the world becomes a better place.