Lexington County, SC
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Dale has produced a large body of art over S.C. with much variety in types of creativity—designs, portraits, pets, large story -paintings for homes and offices, designs for brochures, fabric designs, patterns for stained glass, record cover, wildlife, etc. She graduated from Lander College with a bachelor’s in art and education and was commended for outstanding academic achievement in art on Honors Day in 1976. Her professional art career began as designer for the textile industry, as well as commissioned design work for ten cross stitch publications. She then taught in two high school art settings: Batesburg-Leesville High, from 1977-1979; and then in Landrum High in 1983 for 11 years; along with community workshops and individual mentoring. Her mediums are primarily oil and acrylic, with her work leaning toward animated realism and high color, sometimes resonating with touches of design. She actively belongs to Columbia and Chapin art guilds and enjoys the challenge they present in shows along with mentoring other learning artists.
My motivation to paint comes from the exciting, challenging problems that paint, mediums, materials present in my effort to depict realistically my surroundings, people I meet, and world events. My subject matter is very eclectic, but I often embrace an image or message and translate it my way for the viewer’s study and interpretation. I have a reverence for the art of past centuries, and through study and painting, I have strived to resonate some of the wisdom of the masters’ techniques in my work. However, foremost, it is a privilege and constant hunger to capture in my painting what has been formed and created by the Master Creator of all visual and material matter of our universe.