Art of Community: Rural SC Grants

Grant Information

To support arts-based projects that engage rural communities throughout South Carolina.

Who's Eligible
Most S.C. nonprofit organizations (arts & non-arts), colleges and universities, libraries, and units of government

Up to $7,500

Matching Requirement
Varies by county

About This Grant

***This grant category closed early because available funding for FY25 was exhausted by applicants.***


This grant supports arts-based projects throughout rural South Carolina that use the arts to address issues and challenges in rural communities. The project must serve the rural community in which the applicant is located.

Grant-funded activities should:

  1. expand community access to the arts in rural areas and
  2. include a public engagement component and
  3. engage a project steering committee* to lead the project.

*A project steering committee is the group of people who will be collaborating on and leading this project. This group should have a strong understanding of the project and the applicant organization.

  • The project steering committee is responsible for, but not limited to, providing advice and direction, setting the project timeline and budget, monitoring the quality of the project, evaluating and monitoring success of the project, and defining project outcomes.

Please Note

Grant guidelines are subject to change until the application opens.

How to Apply

Applications are accepted through our grants portal, which uses the Foundant platform.

New to Foundant? For frequently asked questions, registration instructions, and other helpful information, we highly recommend visiting the Grants Portal FAQbefore you begin working in the system.

After You Apply

Headshot of Harvee WhiteI’m Here to Help!

  • If you are seeking advisement before submitting an application, please contact Public Art Coordinator Harvee L. White (803.734.8253 |
  • If you have submitted an application, and/or you have a current grant, please contact the Grants Team (803.734.8695 |


Grants Coaching

We also highly recommend a visit to our Grants Coaching webpage, for

Missed a group call or session? Look for the video link to access a recording of that presentation.