Pantasia Steel Band




  • Music

Geographical Availability

  • Upstate
  • Midlands
  • PeeDee/ Grand Strand
  • Low Country
  • Western Piedmont
  • Olde English


Pantasia is one of the Southeast’s longest-running professional steel bands with performances spanning Ohio to Florida, Barbados, St. Lucia and Hong Kong. For 25 years, Pantasia has been a part of the “steel band movement,” assisting schools with grant writing and instrument acquisition, providing professional development training for teachers, as well as serving as artist-in-residence through educational school assemblies and residencies for more than 350 schools- both in the U.S. and abroad. Its director Kimberly M. Roberts began as a certified teacher in Lexington Two and is now an internationally-recognized steel drum education specialist. Mrs. Roberts is the consultant for steel drum manufacturer Panyard, Inc., is co-designer of the Jumbie Jam steel drum, and author/composer of the instrument’s instruction manual. In 2016, Pantasia furthered the steel band movement by traveling to Hong Kong to establish their county’s first steel band. Teaching at the prestigious Kellett British International School, Mrs. Roberts set up steel bands for students in elementary, middle, and high school. She has also presented at SCMEA and music conventions throughout the United States.Mrs. Roberts is the author of Trinidad’s Musical Journey, Jammin’ Geography- Caribbean Cruise, and the Beginning Guide to the Jumbie Jam.