Didgeridoo Down Under: Australian Music-Education-Entertainment



Avery County, NC


  • Music

Geographical Availability

  • Upstate
  • Midlands
  • PeeDee/ Grand Strand
  • Low Country
  • Western Piedmont
  • Olde English


Artist Bio

G’day! Didgeridoo Down Under is a leading K-12 educational entertainment company in the U.S. We specialize in weaving cultural arts, core curriculum, character building, motivational speaking and audience participation into interactive shows, workshops and residencies. Our program themes range from Australian cultural arts to science, literacy, character education and more.

Our programs include:

  • Didgeridoo Down Under Show: Australian Music, Culture, Character Building & More! (K-9th)
  • Protect the Planet: World Music, Earth Science & Ecological Entertainment! (K-9th)
  • Aussie Funk Jam: Didgeridoo Workshop! (2nd-12th)
  • Didgeridoo Residency: Immersive Didge Experience! (3rd-12th)
  • Adventures of the Wild Wolf: Unleash Your Inner Reader & Author! (K-5th) – virtual only

Since 2003, we’ve presented 9,000+ programs at schools and other venues nationwide. Rob Thomas and Tanya Gerard, who present most of our South Carolina programs, have performed at countless schools and other venues for 20+ years. They also have produced music for numerous films, including the IMAX movie Sacred Planet.

More info about our unique programs is available at www.didgedownunder.com. Please view our promo videos at www.didgedownunder.com/gallery.

Artist Statement

We are committed to helping develop better global citizens through our interactive shows, workshops and residencies. Specifically, we promote world music and art; multiculturalism and diversity; kindness and acceptance; learning and reading; thinking creatively and imaginatively; and protecting the environment.