Aldo Muzzarelli


Greenville, SC


  • Visual Art

Geographical Availability

  • Upstate
  • Midlands
  • Low Country


Artist Bio

Artist of Venezuelan origin with a degree in Arts from the Central University of Venezuela. He worked as an illustrator at the Inter-American Language Center (CIDI – Caracas) and was an animator for several films produced by the Film Department of the University of the Andes. For several years, he served as the Director of Culture in his hometown (Tinaquillo) and taught in fine arts training workshops in various Venezuelan cities. He pursued specialization studies in Spain, including Fresco Painting Techniques I, II, and III, Restoration of Paintings on Canvas, Stucco-Marble, Water Gilding with Fine Gold, Stained Glass, and Grisailles. He also frequented the studio of the great Venezuelan master Abdón Romero in Florida, United States.

In 2010, Aldo created several monumental works for the Cathedral of San Pedro in Caracas and opened his own gallery in Tinaquillo. Aldo Muzzarelli has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Venezuela, the United States, Spain, and Italy, receiving numerous awards in Venezuela and 52 art prizes in the United States since his arrival in 2013. He has permanent pieces in cities such as Mauldin, Anderson, and Spartanburg in SC; Roanoke, VA; DeLand, FL. Currently, he is part of the group of artist instructors in the SmartArts program and resides in Mauldin, SC.

Artist Statement

My artistic work is multidisciplinary and includes acrylic painting, oil painting, mixed media, and mural painting (using the ancient technique of Buon Fresco).
In the field of three-dimensional art, I work with iron, resin, and ceramics. I am the author of artistic works permanently located in cities in Venezuela (Caracas, Valencia) and in states in the United States (Mauldin, Anderson, Spartanburg SC; Carrboro NC; Deland, FL, and Roanoke, VA).
As an art teacher, the instruction I provide depends on the age and level of the students. I conduct workshops on various topics: drawing, acrylic painting, oil painting, and even fresco painting. As an artist-teacher in the Smart Arts program, the teaching provided is closely related to the objective of the subject matter, always striving to introduce students to the principles of visual arts. I have also participated as a guest artist during congresses and in demonstrations in libraries and fairs.
Regarding the themes I address in my personal work, they generally convey optimism and mostly revolve around freedom, equality, and the constant pursuit of transforming negative aspects into positives.
I believe that the world sometimes becomes hostile, and certain minorities are the most vulnerable. People often tend to judge others with prejudices related to ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, physical appearance, and even political preference. I think my work constitutes a call to reflection on these aspects of current life.
I speak Spanish, English and Italian.